芝加哥打字機第五集拍攝地點- 明洞站CGV Chicago Typewriter Ep 5 Filming Location- Myeongdong Station CGV

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第五集的記者會現場看起來一點都不像電影院!但這裡是明洞CGV裡面的cine library。根據這個部落格,買了電影票,有CGV points或者把身份證留下也可以拿到card key(所以就是可以免費入場,護照應該也是可以?不清楚),裡面有很多關於電影的書,大家可以到上面提到那個部落格看看裡面的照片。

This is the place where they filmed the press conference, it is Cine Library inside CGV Myeongdong. According to this blog, you can get in if you have a movie ticket, if you have CGV points or if you leave your ID card behind (that means you can get in for free, but I am not sure if passport also works for us), there are lots of books about movies inside, you can see more photos inside on the blog I have mentioned earlier.

明洞站7,8號出口出去步行過去。Myeongdong Station Exit 7 or 8.

韓文名字 Name in Korean:CGV명동역 씨네라이브러리

根據官方網頁 According to the Official website 每個星期一休館 It is closed every Monday.

電話 Phone:1544-1122

地址 Address:서울특별시 중구 충무로2가 65-9 하이해리엇 10,11층



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