還魂拍攝地點- 咸陽弄月亭 Alchemy of Souls Filming Location- Hamyang Nong-Woljeong


The filming location here is Nong-woljeong in Hamyang.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:농월정

韓國部落格的照片 Photos from Korean blog


我們的藍調時光拍攝地點 Our Blues Filming Location


This is a cafe/pub in Jeju.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:금능반지하

韓文地址 Address in Korean:제주 제주시 한림읍 금능9길 30 금능반지하

電話 Phone number:0507-1333-4337

韓網部落格照片 Photos from Korean blog



This house is next to the second stop of Number 18 Olle Trail in Jeju.

第二站的韓文地址 Address in Korean:제주 제주시 조천읍 조천리 3098-19

這偶來路的照片 Pics of this Olle Trail


我的出走日記拍攝地點 My Liberation Notes Filming Location


This metro station is Seonghwan station (성환역) located in Cheonan.

Naver Street View 街景圖


The inside of the metro station was filmed at Hopo Station in Busan Metro Line 2.


The church with the banner on Mi-Jeong sees every day on her way to work is a Presbyterian church in Busan near Geumgok Station.

美貞在第八集說讓她幻想成為現實的咖啡店是天安市成歡站(성환역)外的Why Black。

The cafe in Ep 8 where Mi-Jeong worked in the company of Gu-ssi is Why Black cafe outside Seonghwan station (성환역) in Cheonan.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:와이블랙 성환점

韓文地址 Address in Korean:충남 천안시 서북구 성환읍 성환1로 237-1

電話 Phone number:070-7543-2576


Their house was filmed in Yeoncheon-gun (연천군) in Gyeonggi-do, and the bus stop where they get off is also located here.

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기도 연천군 백학면 청정로52번길 58


This blog wrote details about how to get to their place, but there are 3 pages of info.

Blog Page 1, 2, 3

廉家街景圖 Street View of Yeom family house

巴士站地點 Bus Stop location:경기도 연천군 군남면 황지리 469-2

巴士站的街景圖 Street view for bus stop


The temple in Ep 8 is Yagcheonsa Temple (약천사) located in Paju.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:약천사

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 파주시 교하로681번길 118 약천사

電話 Phone number:031-942-1252

具子敬的這個俱樂部是仁川機場附近的Paradise City內的Club Chroma。

This nightclub was filmed at Club Chroma in Paradise City, Incheon.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:클럽크로마

韓文地址 Address in Korean:인천 중구 영종해안남로321번길 186

電話 Phone number:032-729-7600

更多關於這建築物的照片 More pics on the building


In Ep 14, this place where they met again after 2 years is located close to the National Assembly, a bridge connecting the road to the carpark. In the map below I have marked the location of the carpark.

停車場韓文地名 Name in Korean:국회의사당둔치주차장

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 영등포구 여의서로 160

更多這裡的照片 More pics here

具美第一次去餐廳吃豬排的那店其實也是在天安市的成歡站(성환역),就是他們第一次相遇等計程車身後的那一家Moon Toast & Coffee咖啡店。

The place where they had pork cutlet dinner together in Ep 5 is also located in Seonghwan station (성환역) located in Cheonan. This is filmed in Moon Toast & Coffee which is also behind the taxi stand where they first met.

咖啡店的照片 Pics in the cafe

韓文地名 Name in Korean:문토스트커피

韓文地址 Address in Korean:충남 천안시 서북구 성환읍 성환1로 229-12 지도

電話 Phone number:041-582-2122


This convenience store is a CU store located at Jong-no district in Seoul.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:CU 부암럭키점

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 종로구 백석동길 15

電話 Phone number:02-391-3321


The department store in Ep 13 is located in Cheonan.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:모다아울렛 천안아산점

韓文地址 Address in Korean:충남 천안시 서북구 공원로 196

電話 Phone number:041-901-5800


This place is located in Mapo-gu in Seoul, but its famous dish is tteokbokki but not mandu.

這家店的照片可以看這兩個部落格 More Photos: Blog 1 , Blog 2

韓文店名 Name in Korean:경이네

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 마포구 상암동 17-2

電話 Phone number:02-374-8555


The upper two photos were filmed at the Mapo Bridge Crossroads (on Yeouido side), and the lower two photos were filmed along the way towards Yeouido Park. (From the street view, the buildings across the road can be seen.)

照片 More photos here

麻浦大橋十字路口韓文名 Mapo Bridge Crossroads in Korean:마포대교사거리

地圖標示的是右下角圖背景建築 The building marked in google map below is the one shown in the right lower corner pic.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:파크원타워2


This scene in the last episode was filmed in Yeouido Park. Yeouido Park Administrative Office could be seen in the behind the scenes.

辦公室韓文名稱 Office name in Korean:여의도공원관리사무소

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 영등포구 여의공원로 68 여의도공원관리사무소

電話 Phone number:02-761-4078

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

社內相親其他拍攝地點 Business Proposal Other Filming Locations


This location in the last episode is Jayu Park located in Incheon.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:자유공원

韓文地址 Address in Korean:인천 중구 제물량로232번길 46


Tae-moo and Ha-ri’s company is filmed in Daegu Bank

部落格的銀行照片 Photos from the bank

韓文地名 Name in Korean:대구은행 제2본점

韓文地址 Address in Korean:대구 북구 옥산로 111

電話 Phone number:053-357-6871


Min-Woo’s restaurant is located at Seodaemun District in Seoul.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:연남장

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 서대문구 연희로5길 22 1층 연남장

電話 Phone number:02-3141-7978

官方網頁 Official Website

餐廳裡的照片 Photos from inside the restaurant


The location where Sung-Hoon and Yeong-Seo went hiking in Ep 8 is Achasan.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:아차산


Sung-Hoon proposed to Yeong-Seo on Hangang Dongjak Bridge in Seoul.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:동작대교


A clothing store Taemoo and Sung-Hoon went to is Splendino located in Ilsan.

照片可以去這店的部落格看 Photos from the blog of the store


N Seoul Tower and Samcheongdong Stone Walled Road (Rainy night date) are too famous, so I won’t spend time writing about them…


社內相親 Ep 9-10 拍攝地點 Business Proposal Filming Locations


The restaurant they went to on a date in Ep 9 appeared in the drama before with the two female leads meeting up there. It is a tteokbokki restaurant in Nowon-gu, Seoul.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:멍텅구리즉석떡볶이 공릉점

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 노원구 공릉로51길 14-2 우림고시원

電話 Phone number:02-978-4645


This playground that appeared also in Ep 5, I found the location in Goyang based on the names of the kindergarten and music school in the background.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:밤가시공원

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 고양시 일산동구 일산로380번길 36


This place in Ep 9 is a BBQ restaurant located in Yeongdeungpo district, Seoul.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:은성회관

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 영등포구 여의대방로65길 12 에리트빌딩

電話 Phone number:02-783-8667



The restaurant they went to in the rainy night date in Ep 10 is Korea House located in Seoul.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:한국의집

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 중구 퇴계로36길 10 한국의집

電話 Phone number:02-2266-9101

官方網頁 Official Website

社內相親 Ep 7-8 拍攝地點 Business Proposal Filming Locations


The pier in Ep 7 is located in Shinan (암태오도선착장).

韓文地址 Address in Korean:전남 신안군 암태면 박달로9 암태오도선착장

租船的公司是1004Yacht Tour.

The company for the yacht rental is 1004YachtTour.

韓文公司名 Name in Korean:1004요트투어

電話 Phone number:061-271-7774

網頁 Website



The furniture store in the end of Ep 7 is located in Incheon.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:영림홈앤리빙 인천갤러리

韓文地址 Address in Korean:인천 남동구 아암대로 1085

電話 Phone number:0507-1359-5500

官方部落格 Official Blog


The amusement park in Ep 8 is Lotte World in Jamsil.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:롯데월드

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 송파구 올림픽로 240

電話 Phone number:1661-2000


The kiss scene in Ep 8 was filmed in Hwarang Bridge in Bundang.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:화랑육교

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 성남시 분당구 삼평동

電話 Phone number:0507-1389-9201

社內相親 Ep 1-6 拍攝地點 Business Proposal Filming Locations


Ha-ri’s family chicken restaurant is a cafe located in Daegu.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:카페산들언덕

韓文地址 Address in Korean:대구 수성구 화랑로34길 93 지하1층, 1층

電話 Phone number:0507-1389-9201

咖啡店的韓網部落格照片 Photos of the cafe from a Korean blog

Ep 2 裡夏莉被帶來跟泰武道歉的這咖啡店是在坡州的Adamas253。

This cafe in Ep 2 is Adamas253 located in Paju.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:아다마스253

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 파주시 탄현면 헤이리마을길 47

電話 Phone number:031-949-1296


The restaurant where Hari met grandpa for the first time is in Paju.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:승잠원

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 파주시 법원읍 초리골길 77 승잠원

電話 Phone number:031-958-9522


This place in Ep 3 is a convenience store in Yeoju.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:이포보편의점

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 여주시 금사면 금사로 48

電話 Phone number:031-881-6120

韓網部落格照片 Photo from Korean blog


The place that sells this kind of bread is located in Icheon.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:달봉이옥수수찐빵

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 이천시 백사면 이여로 481 명화주유소

電話 Phone number:031-638-2727

夏荊跟泰武一起慶祝假一周年紀念的餐廳是在漢江畔的The River Clavier。

The fake first anniversary date was filmed in the River Clavier.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:더리버 끌라비에

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 서초구 반포동 1338 3층

電話 Phone number:02-595-7146

網頁 Website

Ep 6 的假出差是在襄陽拍攝,海灘是襄陽的Surfyy Beach。

The beach in Ep 6 is Surfyy Beach in Yang Yang.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:서피비치

Pics of the beach 海灘照片


The noodle shop in ep 6 is Songwol Memilguksu, also located in Yang Yang.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:송월메밀국수

韓文地址 Address in Korean:강원 양양군 손양면 동명로 282-4 송월메밀국수

電話 Phone number:033-672-3696

Pics of the restaurant 麵店照片

Ep 6 這酒店是在江陵的Sky Bay酒店。

The hotel in Ep 6 is Skybay hotel located in Gangneung.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:스카이베이호텔 경포

韓文地址 Address in Korean:강원 강릉시 해안로 476

電話 Phone number:0507-1441-8903

網頁 Website


This udon place is located in Suwon.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:모로미쿠시 광교카페거리점

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 수원시 영통구 센트럴파크로127번길 48

電話 Phone number:0507-1320-4222



This cafe in Ep 5 is really in Ilsan, Goyang.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:카페디썸

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 고양시 일산서구 호수로856번길 8-1

電話 Phone number:0507-1352-2229



The cinema in Ep 6 is Megabox located in Seongsu, Seoul.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:메가박스 성수

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 성동구 왕십리로 50 메가박스 스퀘어 3층

電話 Phone number:1544-0070

戲院內的照片 Photos inside the cinema

官方網頁 Official Website

氣象廳的人們 Forecasting Love & Weather Ep 3 拍攝地點 Filming Locations


The bridge from Ha-kyung’s place to the chicken restaurant is located in Eunpyeong district in Seoul.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:새버들잎다리

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 은평구 진관동


Ep 3這炸雞店是在首爾的永登浦區的Old Mullae.

The chicken restaurant in ep 3 is Old Mullae in Yeongdeungpo district.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:올드문래

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 영등포구 도림로 433-6

來源+店內照片 Source and photos inside the restaurant

那年,我們的夏天 拍攝地點 – 約會 Our Beloved Summer Filming Location – Dates


Epilogue in Ep11 was filmed at the Shinhan Investment Headquarters, located in Yeouido, Seoul.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:신한금융투자 본사

韓文地址 Address in Korean:서울 영등포구 여의대로 70

電話 Phone number:1588-0365

Ep 12 雄在等延秀下班的這地方是始興市烏耳島博物館。

This museum in Ep 12 is Siheung Oido Museum.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:시흥오이도박물관

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 시흥시 오이도로 332

電話 Phone number:031-310-3052

Ep 12 雄跟延秀晚上來看的這美術館是在華城的Soda美術館,如果來這裡可以順便去這劇裡其他在這裡拍攝的地點

This place in ep 12 is Soda Museum in Hwaseong.

There are also other filming locations in Hwaseong.

韓文地名 Name in Korean:소다미술관

韓文地址 Address in Korean:경기 화성시 효행로707번길 30

電話 Phone number:070-8915-9127

Source 1, 2